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Thursday, February 19, 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Earth Day Party Returning April 2015

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Hey penguins,

Yes, you read that correct. Legopuffle CP Cheats is the first to report that April 2015's party will be the Earth Day Party after one year of no return. Following the US theatre launch of Disneynature movie, Monkey Kingdom, Club Penguin will host an Earth Day Party themed around monkeys and other wildlife creatures. With Earth Day on April 22nd too, it's no wonder why this year we are having an Earth Day Party. 

The party will feature two sets of tasks each day, a task you can complete online and obtain a reward from, and another task you will be encouraged to do for no reward, but in real life. These tasks will be released all the way up until Earth Day, where you will be thanked personally by Aunt Arctic and gifted exclusive Earth Day items.

The party will run from April 16th to April 30th, with new tasks to do each day running from April 16th to April 22nd. We've managed to find which tasks penguins will be able to take part in.

April 16th:
ONLINE - Go to the Beach and pick up litter (earns a non-member item). As a bonus, throw snowballs to put up posters raising awareness of how plastic pollution is affecting our planet (earns a member item). 
OFFLINE - Go to your local park or beach and pick up litter and dispose of it in the correct way. Help the planet we all share.

April 17th:
ONLINE - Go to the Dock and stop ships mistreating fish from docking. Throw snowballs at ships you see mistreating fish, and let ones which are treating fish in the right way dock (earns a non-member item when Dock is full of good ships). As a bonus, help build a sign warning ships mis-treating fish that they are not welcome. Use a hard hat to help build it (earns a member item).
OFFLINE - Look at tins of fish like tuna around your home. Check where they came from and decide if you think they've been treated well or not. If they've come a long way from where you live, it's unlikely they've had a nice trip. 

April 18th:
ONLINE - Go to the Snow Forts and throw snowballs carbon dioxide emitted from the items such as factory chimneys, fires and more contributing to the greenhouse effect (earns a non-member item). As a bonus, visit Gary in his lab and watch a video learning about how we can prevent too much carbon dioxide being released in to our atmosphere (earns a member item).
OFFLINE - Think about how much carbon dioxide you emit everyday. Think about ways you can reduce that (without harming yourself).

April 19th: 
ONLINE - Go to the Forest and throw snowballs at trees chopped down in the endangered bear's habitat to help them re-grow (earns a non-member item). As a bonus, throw snowballs at trees to put up posters raising awareness of the endangered species (earns a member item).
OFFLINE - Learn about the origins of the wood which makes it's way in to your home through paper, logs and more. Find out more about the species which are having their habitats destroyed for wood.

April 20th:
ONLINE - Go to the Cove and find 9 creatures which live on the sand and under the water (earns a non-member item). As a bonus, find out more about each one and how they use features like shells and pinchers (earns a member item).
OFFLINE - Go to your local beach and take a look (but keep a distance) at creatures which live in the sand and in shallow water. Take a look in books and on the internet to find out more about why they live there. 

April 21st:
ONLINE - Go to the Mine Shack and host a town meeting in the University (using pre-written phrases and robot responses from the audience, you are on your own with robot-controlled penguins) and explain the hazards of building a factory which will damage the environment and the garden plants nearby it's site (near the Mine Shack). Making 2 points earns a non-member item. Making 5 points and winning the debate (with the factory not built) earns a member item.
OFFLINE - Look around your town and see how many large buildings emit hazardous gases and affect the environment around them. Think about what should go there in it's place, but also consider why it is placed there and what purpose it served.

April 22nd:
ONLINE - Go back to the Mine Shack and use your hard hat to create an area for a community tree to go. Throw lots of snowballs to water the land and get the tree started growing. This will unlock both possible items. The tree will be fully grown by April 28th.
OFFLINE - Go outside and count how many trees you see. Think about whether you think there are enough or if there should be more.

Also on April 22nd, there will be a huge Earth Day party online with moderators and mascots over numerous servers at numerous times. Once the task is completed, you will be told to keep an eye out. On April 28th, you will be told to go to the community tree by Aunt Arctic. When you meet her, she will thank you and gift you an Earth Day medal (non-member) and Earth Ranger outfit (member).

There will be the following phrases said by numerous members of the Club Penguin community concerned about the environment (like a welcome to that day's task).
  • The Beach doesn't look too good. Penguins have dropped litter on it and haven't noticed that it's all now piled up. Can you help pick it up?
  • Woo hoo! It looks so much better now, don't you think? How about putting up some posters now to raise awareness about litter being wrong. I'll give you an item to say thank you as well.
  • Eeek! There are boats which aren't treating fish right trying to get in to our Dock. Can you throw snowballs to help send them away?
  • Phew! They're gone. Let's build a big sign to let them know they should not come back!
  • Lots of carbon dioxide is being given off by these items. Help me throw snowballs at them to shut them down!
  • Great work. I know someone who knows a lot about carbon dioxide. Go in to the Lab and he will tell you more.
  • Oh dear. My habitat has been completely destroyed by people only after the wood from the trees. Throw snowballs at the stubs to help regrow my home.
  • Yay! The trees are back! Could you help me pin up these posters letting people know that the trees aren't for cutting down?
  • There are lots of very interesting creatures here. Can you find 9 of them for me?
  • Incredible! Take a look in my fact book and find out more about each one you found.
  • It's time for you to make a stand against pollution. There's a team of penguins wanting to destroy land by building a factory. Help me stand up against them and I'll give you some prizes.
  • You've been great. Keep doing what you're doing to win the debate and earn another item!
  • We did it! Well done. The factory won't be built now. Thanks for your help!
  • Hey there! We're setting up land for a new community tree. Can you help us finish it off?
  • Great building there. Throw snowballs on the soil now to get the tree started.
  • Very impressive snowball throwing. The tree will be ready on April 28th. See you then!
Overall, this sounds like an incredible party. I do know that the interiors of most rooms and the Ski Village, Ski Hill and Dojo Courtyard will be minorly decorated and the Skatepark will have all new ramps decorated to promote treating the environment well.

Are you excited for this classic party making an extravagant return? Let us know in the comments!

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