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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Are you banned? I'm not surprised

Club Penguin community,

Recently, penguins have been banned for 72 hours for what they believe is no reason. There is a reason. You cheated. All penguins who did not treat the Disney Movie Rewards promotion as a promotion of trial membership to attract more paying members, and penguins who abused the promotion, giving away mass amounts of codes generated by the website, have been punished, and it's a good job too.

Each week of membership unlocked has created $2 worth of losses. One hacker claimed to have generated over 10,000 codes, that's $20,000 worth of losses. For every code unlocked, you've deprived someone of their fair pay, charities of the money they can use to better the world around us through Coins for Change, server hosts of the fees Disney pay them to upload mass amounts of party room data to their servers. You complain that parties aren't good anymore. If you have managed to prevent Disney of having servers which can hold a lot of vector-quality files, then the amount of files has to be downsized, meaning smaller parties. 

Let's get this straight, you're causing the "bad" parties. You are forcing Club Penguin to produce their content on minimum budget. You are forcing probable cuts in wage. Imagine you went to work, and your boss said "our customers have forced us to cut your pay, give you budget software and make you work harder to stop any more losses". I'd be upset. I don't work for Disney (once upon a dream...), but if you don't stop taking promotions and poking them until they bleed, this could, or already have happened. 

If you're banned, you deserve it. You've caused damage to a corporation, they cause you damage to your playtime. What goes around comes around. Damage is a boomerang. Good luck appealing your bans, there's no valid reason to do so.

-Dj Stores

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