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Sunday, April 19, 2015

Analysis: Clubpenguin Free Falling?

Hey Penguin Friends! I'm back with an analysis post! With the CP's current situation I've decided to analyze CP since 2011 when former CEO, Lane Marryfield quit and gave Spike Hike the throne. Lets start!

Is this Spike Hike's fault?

I've been reading articles about this "Free Fall" as I'll be calling it, and I think that this isn't 100% Spike's fault, when Lane was the CEO there was not many competitors like now, that is simply because there were  no games that could possibly compete with CP! CP was the best game in that time! Now, we have Minecraft, Transformice and Wild Warfare! Spike is paid by Disney so even if he wanted to do something to change CP, he can't if Disney doesn't allow it. Disney (And Spike( has slowly started to understand that to give CP the needed boost to keep CP up, they need to listen to us... Let's hope it's not too late!

Conclusion: No, this is not 100% Spike's fault. He may have tried to do something but Disney told him he couldn't

Is this because of Takeovers?

Explaining this may be hard but, I'll try! Some takeovers did help CP, however, others such as Frozen didn't. In the Frozen takeover many CP players quit, this could also happen with the upcoming Frozen Fever party. 

Conclusion: It's not wrong to have takeovers once in a while, however since 2013 an 80% of the parties have been takeovers, and that my friends is an excess. Many will say I'm crazy because of what I'm going to say, but, some takeovers are actually pretty fun (Marvel, Star Wars, Monsters University,etc) and these because of the fun mini-games and the interactive features attract people to CP, helping it!

Is this because of hackers? 

I would say it is, when penguins use hacks they can get most of things that would normally require a membership or purchasing a certain item. Even though hacking is wrong, many penguins belief that this affects CP's system, so I want to clear this up for you. Hacking is WRONG and you should not do it! However hacking does not affect CP directly, it doesn't make CP slower or causes bugs, people who say this are people who don't know about the topic or lyres. 

Conclusion: Even though hackers have contributed to this "Free Fall" we're in, it's not all of they're fault! According to stadistics, only 17% percent of the community uses hacks. In our Golden Era hacks already exisited!  So, this wasn't the main reason of our appocalypse.

When will Clubpenguin close? 

While I can't give an exact day, I can assure that it will not happen in 2015.... However I'm not sure about 2016, I highly doubt this community will reach 2020. However let's hope we still have more long years to enjoy our beutiful, snowy, fun island...

Until next time,

Waddle On!


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