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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hollywood Musical Party Coming in February

Hey Guys! Topopato here! So let's get started! Polo Field hosted a party on Friday's night, in this party he actually confirmed the party coming in February! Check it out yourselves! 

Huge Thanks to CP Conectados For The Image

The image reads "Polo Field : Hollywood Musical" This confirmation has also been causing conflicts in Twitter, because we had a Music Jam (Which everybody hated) back in July. So why is CP making another Music related party 7 months after their HUGE fail? Let's see, I remember actually liking the Hollywood Party back in February 2013, so CP wants to merge an awesome party which most people liked with a horrible party everybody hated! I don't see this as a good idea. But what  do you think? Let us know with a comment below!

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