Mixels is a new animated series co-developed between Lego and the Cartoon Network. The first Lego sets are expected to be released in March 2014. Each of the sets will be one Mixelscharacter, each with a colour-scheme and theme based on a natural element.
Common between all the sets are lots of the new ball-hinge parts, as well as many other clip joints. All the characters also seem to have big googly eyes, either printed on balls, or round plates. Teeth and claw parts are also quite common, along with more unusual and visually distinctive parts such as flames and lightning.
The first wave of nine sets includes three sets of three characters which appear to be based on fire, rock, and electricity. The three sets for each element can be combined to create a larger character to represent each theme.
Here are the sets in wave one:
41500 Flain
41501 Vulk
41502 Zorch
41503 Krader
41504 Seismo
41505 Shuff
41506 Teslo
42507 Zaptor
41508 Volectro
Common between all the sets are lots of the new ball-hinge parts, as well as many other clip joints. All the characters also seem to have big googly eyes, either printed on balls, or round plates. Teeth and claw parts are also quite common, along with more unusual and visually distinctive parts such as flames and lightning.
The first wave of nine sets includes three sets of three characters which appear to be based on fire, rock, and electricity. The three sets for each element can be combined to create a larger character to represent each theme.
Here are the sets in wave one:
41500 Flain
41501 Vulk
41502 Zorch
41503 Krader
41504 Seismo
41505 Shuff
41506 Teslo
42507 Zaptor
41508 Volectro
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